Meeting of October 19th 2021

 The status of local labor monitoring was reported. Since last month, 63 site visits were conducted and all 356 workers were in compliance. The local labor rate at the Amazon Manitou site is at 63% with a goal of 70%. The local labor exemption requests were reviewed. USRE Rochester LLC requested two exemptions for their Shepard Road project in Ogden for warranteed installation of equipment and specialized iron work for which the local union does not have workers.

APPLICATION REVIEW: Requests for sales and recording tax exemptions and real property tax abatements were approved for the following applications:

PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: The following requests were approved:

GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Work continues on the housing policy and inclusion of an affordable component. The current consensus is that a requirement of 10% of units should meet the definition of affordable. Anticipate that work will be complete in next month or two.

FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: The 2022 proposed budget was reviewed. The estimated revenue total is $2.25 million. A $15,000 line was added for one internship. COMIDA will continue to support local projects such as the Workforce Development Center at Monroe Community College. The proposed budget was approved.

The following requests were approved:

A presentation of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan (known as Plan Forward), last conducted 40 years ago, was given. The county plan will consider how to coordinate with local stakeholders and municipalities to enhance community growth, address regional issues, and plan for improvements in the county over the next 10- 15 years. Public outreach to build awareness and solicit feedback will be the first step. A draft plan is expected by Fall of 2022 and a final version by the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023. This effort is being coordinated with the Bring Monroe Back program which is funded under the American Rescue Plan Act. The presentation is accessible at