February 15th 2022
Kevin Loewke gave a local labor monitoring report for the month of January. Thirty cases of non-compliancewere noted primarily for no proof of identification. In all cases identification was either provided later or the
worker was removed from the site.
Brian LaFountain discussed a labor exemption request for the 30 West Broad Street LLC project. The average
local bid for metal roof replacement work was significantly more than 25% higher than a bid from a firm in
Tonawanda; therefore the exemption was granted under COMIDA policy. As of last week, 61.4% of workers at the Amazon Manitou site were local. The delay in getting to the 70% requirement is attributed to the continuation of steel work. Board member Milne reported that non-local workers are involved in roofing, mezzanine construction, security system installation and loading dock construction as well as other areas and these could be an opportunity for local labor. Mr. LaFountain was asked to request a monthly projection of local labor from the site so that the Board can stay on top of this issue. If the project is not at 70% by the end of construction, actions such as recapturing of benefits can be taken.
Gregg Genovese reviewed the current budget and the projected revenue for 2022 based on new projects in the
pipeline. By year end, a revenue estimate in excess of $4 million could be anticipated.
Application Review: No new applications were received.
The following request was approved: Innovation Partners ROC LLC requested an increase in the mortgage
recording tax exemption for their renovation of the Xerox Square property due to an increase in their
construction loan amount.
Motions to appoint Ann Burr as chair of the finance committee and as a member of the governance committee
An executive session was called; the reason was not given.
Observed by Deborah Rice Gordon.