MAY 10TH 2022
MONROE COUNTY LEGISLATURE MAY 10, 2022 MEETING OBSERVED BY ELAINE SCHMIDTThe Legislature passed a resolution to rehabilitate the Robach Center at Ontario Beach Park, and authorized expenditures up to $944,000 for rehab and capital improvements.
A resolution to accept funding from the Department of Homeland Security in the amount of $74,227.45 was considered to assist in Operation Stonegarden, and in part for the payment of overtime to police departments in Greece, Irondequoit, and Webster. Operation Stonegarden concerns border security and there was a concern among some legislators that immigrant farm workers could be unfairly impacted. A spokesman from the Sheriff’s Department said that the goal was to apprehend criminals and illegal weapons that were coming across the border, not to monitor immigration issues. The resolution passed 21 to 6.
An inter municipal agreement with the City of Rochester was authorized in an amount not to exceed $25,000 to provide tracking, oversight, and evaluation services regarding the RASE Commission’s recommendations through March 31, 2023.
An appropriation transfer of $30,000 from the Department of Human Services to the Veterans Service Agency for the inaugural Veterans Day Parade was authorized unanimously.