AUGUST 16 2022
AUGUST 16, 2022 OBSERVED BY DEBORAH RICE GORDONA local labor monitoring report was given. From July 1 - 31, the residency of 469 workers was checked with 6 having a non-compliance issue. As of July 31, all monitored sites are in compliance. The percentage of local laborers at the Amazon Manitou site was 71.2%. Four local labor waiver requests were discussed. Issues included a shortage of qualified workers and warranty requirements. The Board discussed the details and timing of bids and the need to institute an apprentice training requirement for projects having specialty warranty needs.
Requests for sales tax exemptions, recording tax exemptions and/or real property tax abatements were approved for Victory Express, Inc. for the construction of a 23,000 square foot building at 350 International Boulevard in Chili to house their trucking business.
The following modification requests were approved:
• Middle Road Properties, LLC for the assumption of the real property tax abatement for a medical campus in Henrietta;
• Unither Manufacturing, LLC for an increase in projects costs and extension of the sales tax exemption through June 30, 2023 for their project on Jefferson Road, Henrietta;
• Li-Cycle North American Hub, LLC for an extension of the mortgage recording tax exemption due to a change in financing for their project in Greece;
• SDS Medical Supply Corporation for an extension of their sales tax exemption through June 30, 2023 for their project in Henrietta.
The Compliance Committee met on August 16. Monitoring of overdue project payments was discussed as well as a recommendation to approve two waiver requests. The Board approved the requests.
The Executive Director introduced Kereem Berry and Gerard Hunt of the Multi-craft Apprenticeship Preparation Program (MAPP). MAPP, Inc. is a partner of the Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council. The Council submitted a letter of support for MAPP’s $400,000 funding request. Information on MAPP’s goals and programs was presented and details of the request and Board concerns discussed. The motion to approve the request was passed provided regular status reports are received enabling the Board to gauge program effectiveness.
A grant request made by The Fringe Festival for $1000 was approved.
An executive session was called to discuss reorganization.
The meeting was adjourned afterward. This COMIDA meeting can be viewed at: