Summary of COMIDA Meeting for February 28th, 2023

Summary of COMIDA Meeting for February 28th, 2023
Observed by Deborah Rice Gordon
This COMIDA meeting can viewed at:
Jackie Smith, representing Clarkson, Hamlin and Sweden (2nd district) in the Monroe County Legislature, was introduced.  She has been appointed by the legislature to be their member on the COMIDA Board.

Monitoring reports:
A local labor monitoring report was given.  In January, the residency of 776 workers was checked with 14 having a non-compliance issue.  As of January 31st, all monitored sites were in compliance.  The percentage of local laborers at the Amazon Manitou site was 72.9%.  

Several requests for local labor waivers were discussed. They were prompted by either a lack of local labor availability, a temporary shortage of iron workers, the warranty requirements for the installation of specialized systems, or the cost differential between local and non-local workers.   

Project Application Reviews:
Requests for sales tax exemptions, recording tax exemptions and/or real property tax abatements were approved for the following projects:  
Project Modifications:
The following modification requests were approved: Committee Reports:
The Governance Committee report was given by Jay Popli.  The Committee is focusing on two areas. Local labor waivers are requested when a manufacturer requires that only certified workers install systems as a warranty requirement. The Board will develop a requirement that local laborers be trained during these installations so that they can become certified for future work.  A policy is being drafted for review at the March meeting.  Another focus is on increasing the penalties for violation of COMIDA policies. 

The Finance Committee report summary was given by Ann Burr.  A decision was made to move forward with an investigation of how funds are being managed and the retaining of help to provide this monitoring on a regular basis. 

Executive Director Discussion Items: An executive session was called but the reason was not stated.  Upon returning, the Board approved a motion to extend the existing listing agreement with Pyramid Brokerage Company through December 31, 2023.  A motion to add Norman Jones to the Governance Committee was also passed. 

The next meeting will be the annual meeting and will be held on March 28th.