August 2023 Meeting Summary
Summary of COMIDA Meeting for August 15th, 2023Observed by Deborah Rice Gordon
This COMIDA meeting can viewed at:
Monitoring Reports:
A local labor monitoring report was given by Kevin Loweke. In July, the residency of 521 workers was checked with 6 workers having a non-compliance issue. As of July 31st, all monitored sites were compliant at the time of inspection. The percentage of local laborers at the Amazon Manitou site was 73.4%.
A local labor exemption report was discussed by Brian Lafountain. Two exemptions related to the LiCycle project were related to local union members being fully employed and not available.
The financial report for July was discussed. At this point in the fiscal year, over $5.1 million has been generated for the Workforce Development Program over the past 2 years. Of that, almost $3.92 million has been committed.
Project Application Reviews:
Requests for sales tax exemptions, recording tax exemptions and/or real property tax abatements was approved by the Board for the following project:
- Ren Square, LLC for the renovation of existing buildings at 9-17 North Clinton Avenue in the East Main Historic District into mixed use including retail space and four apartments. One of the apartments will be designated for those earning at or below 60-80% of the area median income for the Rochester area.
The following modification request was approved:
- Durst Image Technology US, LLC is renovating a facility in Penfield and is requesting approval for an increase in projects costs and an extension of the sales tax exemption through December 31, 2024.
Discussion is on-going concerning potentially expanding the local labor area. There are no action items at present.
Compliance Committee Report
- Project owners submitted a number of waiver requests. The Committee is seeking more information before considering actions.
- The sales tax recapturing report for 2022 was reviewed and 4 companies exceeded their approved amount for sales tax exemption. Three of the companies have repaid the overage amount and the fourth will do so as well.
- Rochester Child First Network is being considered for inclusion in the Workforce Development Fund program. The Network was established in 1857 and supports 188 in-home child care provider businesses in Monroe County. A request for $300,000 for one year was received for supporting new start-ups, training costs, books, equipment, etc.
- Two requests were received from Rochester Works to support a business hiring and training grant program and an enhanced recovery services program related to substance use disorder. A motion to create contracts for $200,000 and $250,00 funding for these programs was approved.
- The need for a more functional business center conference room was discussed. A proposal was made to move the COMIDA meetings to the business center and make needed improvements. A request for $15,000 for this change was approved.
- As part of the Fast New York Grant program, COMIDA is expected to apply to Empire State Development Program for a $20 million capital grant to support infrastructure costs for the Fairlife site in Webster. More discussion among stakeholders is needed prior to a decision on this request. Grant Malone, President of the Rochester Building and Trades Council, raised concerns about the inclusion of local labor requirements since Rochester Gas and Electric has routinely brought outside labor in for infrastructure projects. Fair bid processes and wage levels are also concerns.
- Potential changes for the Li Cycle project were discussed.