November 2023 Meeting Summary

Summary of COMIDA Meeting for November 21st, 2023
Observed by Deborah Rice Gordon
This COMIDA meeting can viewed at:
Be advised that the sound quality is poor at times.
Monitoring Reports:
Kevin Loweke gave the local labor monitoring report. In October, the residency of 625 workers was checked with a few workers having a non-compliance issue involving residency or identification.  All complied upon re-inspection.

Financial Update:
The financial report for October 31st was discussed.  Overall, the budget is sound, however details cannot be reported due to the poor sound quality of the recording.  

Project Application Reviews:
Requests for sales tax exemptions, recording tax exemptions and/or real property tax abatements were approved by the Board for the following projects:             Project Modifications: 
The following modification requests were approved: Executive Director’s Report: The meeting was adjourned.