July 2023 Meeting Summary
PAB Meeting Summary for July 6th, 2023Observed by Deborah Rice Gordon
A recording of this meeting can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR2P4jMKaGo
Be advised that the sound quality is very poor at times.
The minutes from the June 15th board meeting were approved without revision.
Interim Executive Director Sherry Walker-Cowart gave the staff report. Unfortunately, the sound quality was of such poor quality that the report could not be heard.
The Chairs report was given by Larry Knox:
- A meeting with City Council, the PAB Board and staff was held today and was very productive. Strengthening communication and networking were topics for discussion. The results of a survey about PAB effectiveness that was circulated by City Council was discussed. The survey was not conducted in a scientific manner and did not meet the requirements for valid survey techniques. In addition, the responder demographics did not include city residents to any significant degree. PAB’s position is that the community voted to increase police accountability and therefore, the PAB does not need to defend its existence. There were comments in the survey that are useful and will be considered. The Board will gladly discuss its processes, procedures and priorities but not why it exists.
- Board meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month rather than every 2 weeks. This change will allow the Board to spend more time on its work and training.
- A data transparency proposal for change was submitted to Rochester RPD. Chief Smith did provide feedback and largely agreed with many of PAB’s recommendations. More clarity is needed on timelines.
- Oversight and investigations work is on-going with RPD. How to securely transfer files between RPD and PAB staff is an question being investigated.
- The Training Committee: the second half of training for the Board members was held last week. PAB counsel will clarify the training required of the Board as opposed to the staff. It is expected that PAB will have 8 Board members by the end of the month if city council approves appointees. One seat is still open and applications are encouraged.
- The Search Committee is formulating a process to recruit an Executive Director since Interim Director Walker-Cowart has declined consideration.
An executive session was called in order to discuss hiring for specific positions and potential litigation. No votes were taken during the session and the meeting was adjourned afterward.