December 2023 Meeting Summary

December 7th, 2023 PAB Meeting Summary  
 Observed by Deborah Rice Gordon

A recording of this meeting can be viewed at:

The minutes from the November 9th Board meeting were approved.   

The staff report was given by De’Jon Hall for Interim Executive Director Sherry Walker-Cowart: The Director of Investigations, Elizabeth Beltran, gave an update.  Larry Knox gave the Chair’s report: Committee Reports:

Training Committee – the position of Training Director has been posted.    One Board review panel exists currently, but more members will need to be trained to form additional panels. 
Search Committee – 5 responses to the CEO RFP have been received.   The responses will be reviewed tomorrow, and a search firm will be chosen.  The firm will use a process that involves public input.

New Business: An executive session was called to discuss potential legal litigation.  One vote was taken during the session and the Board voted unanimously to take that action.  The meeting was adjourned afterword.