February 1 2024 PAB Meeting
February 1st, 2024 PAB Meeting SummaryObserved by Deborah Rice Gordon
A recording of this meeting can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKD06OddZiQ
The minutes from the January 4th Board meeting were approved.
The staff report was given by Interim Executive Director Sherry Walker-Cowart:
- PAB gave a presentation to Dr. Shirley JA Green, the Commissioner of the Rochester Department of Recreation and Human Services, and her staff.
- A presentation was also given to the Mayor’s management team to present a different narrative on the status of the PAB.
- A meeting was held with Simeon Banister, President and CEO of the Rochester Area Community Foundation, to discuss PAB’s work. He suggested that PAB tells its own story in a few media outlets. He also shared information on a youth program in Minnesota involving youth services that may be helpful for Rochester.
- PAB attended a listening session sponsored by the Justice Infrastructure Project. They are gathering information around the state regarding community policing.
- The Community Affairs and Public Engagement Division is working on protest policy information sessions and a public awareness campaign for the Spring.
- An offer was made to hire a community engagement specialist.
- The Case Management Division had 14 cases open for January and a position for a bilingual case manager was posted.
- Two investigative positions will be posted.
- Discussions are ongoing concerning posting closed case reports to the website.
- Officer statements are necessary to have a complete investigation. If necessary, subpoenas will be issued to obtain that information.
- The Operations Division is working on budgets and search firms.
- The Policy and Oversite Division is launching the first draft proposal for change on the Police Department’s protest policy. A public input session was held today and three others are scheduled.
- Closure of the first oversight investigation is imminent. These investigations examine the power executed by the Police department. They aim to thoroughly examine a particular subject and possibly suggest changes. The first investigation involves the use of force on juveniles. Another investigation will be started before the end of the month.
- The east district seat still has not been filled. We need an appointee from City Council, and they are long past the statutory deadline for doing so.
- An initial meeting was held with city council staff to discuss the 2024-25 budget. Several additional positions will be requested to meet the Charter requirements.
- Council passed the Request for Proposal for a new Executive Director. Interviews will be held with the Board and staff to identify the expectations for the new position.
- NACo training took place last week and additional training is scheduled. A position for a training manager has been posted.
- De’Jon Hall, Director of Policy and Oversight, fielded questions from the Board on the first investigative oversight report on use of force on juveniles.