Monroe County Legislature Meeting. 4/9/2024

Monroe County Legislature. 4/9/2024
Observed by Elaine Schmidt via video 

WDKX was recognized by the Leg as it celebrated its 50th anniversary.  Sarah Freligh, poet and writer, Angelo Del Toro
Puerto Rican Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute and the owners of Jimmy Z’s Plates and Shakes were also honored by the Leg.

Mary Lupian, a member of the Rochester City Council,  asked for support of a study to replace RGE with a public utility. In addition,
approximately 30 people spoke in favor of a study to look into the feasibility of a public utility for Monroe County. Several employees of RGE in green shirts spoke in support of keeping RGE as the utility provider for Rochester. RGE employs about 800 people.

Several residents of a neighborhood in  Penfield spoke about the negative impact of the decision to use a former garbage dump near the neighborhood as a brush dump off site.

A citizen again asked the County to not use toxic materials on county lands.  They cited threats to health.

One person called for a cease fire in Gaza.

The agenda was moved as a whole except for a few items.

The resolution to "commit unassigned fund balance for the specific purpose of studying the feasibility of a publicly owned utility in Monroe County" was voted on by roll call vote and failed to pass 13-16. Just before the vote was taken Chairperson Roman pointed out that the $1 million would be taken from excess funds of $16 million already in the budget.  This issue is expected to come before the Leg again.

Finally, the recommendations for Young Citizens of Excellence and Willie W. Lightfoot Youth Advocate of the Year Awards were given to the Legislature for consideration.