May 15th 2024 County Legislature Meeting

Monroe County Legislature 5/14/2024. Observed by Elaine Schmidt via video 

A moment of silence was held for the passing of Arnold J. Eckert, a former Monroe  County Legislature President and Legislator. He was 94. 


The Leg recognized National Peace Officers Memorial Day honoring all law  enforcement officers who have died or have been injured in the line of duty. 21,000  officers have lost their lives on the job and 16,000 are injured yearly. 


A speaker for Voices of Verona St. stated that the building which houses the Rochester  Animal Shelter is deteriorated, has many code violations and is currently over capacity.  She asked that County and City officials meet to deal with the problems. 

A poll worker stated that she has a list of concerns gathered from herself other poll  workers that she intends to send to the Leg. She would like the Leg to fix the problems  she and others have encountered. 


The agenda was moved as a whole except for 15,17,18,22, 23,24,25,26,27,28.  

Operation Stonegarden, a program in which Homeland Security and local law  enforcement cooperate, was discussed. Legislator Cruz asked if it was safe for  “pickers” to approach local law enforcement for help. A representative of the Sheriffs  said the Border Patrol does not direct the Sheriffs Department in any way, but it does  have to be notified of any Sheriff’s operations and is allowed to observe the operations.  The Sheriff’s representative said that they do not always “make and notify” the  immigration status of individuals unless there is a concern for public safety. He also  said that the Border Patrol does not routinely accompany the Sheriff’s Department. The  resolution passed 22-6. 

Hon. Albert A. Blankley was appointed to the Monroe County Board of Health effective  immediately and expiring August 31, 2027. 

24 people were appointed to the Environmental Management Council. 

The Hon. Mercedes Vasquez Simmons was appointed to the Vietnam Veterans  Memorial of Greater Rochester Board.