June 2024 COMIDA Meeting
Summary of COMIDA Meeting for June 18th, 2024Observed by Deborah Rice Gordon
This COMIDA meeting can viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-b-80idmek
Monitoring reports:
A local labor monitoring report was given by Kevin Loweke. In May, the residency of 684 workers was checked with 27 having proof of residency issues and 2 not residing in the county. Troy Milne requested more information on the workers at the Fairlfe project.
The local labor exemption report was given by Ana Liss. In May, two exemptions were granted to Fairlife, LLC due to specialized construction needs. Seven exemptions have been given to Fairlife to date. Three were given within a required 45-day window after the request was submitted. The delayed exemptions were due to multiple discussions with local labor about availability. Troy Milne was not informed of the largest exemption and requested that the payment of workers’ compensation and disability insurance be confirmed for the exempted workers. Board discussion centered on the exemption process and desired improvements.
An exemption was given to the Elevate Fitness project to meet the warranty requirements for equipment installation.
Financial Update:
A financial report was given by Ana Liss and Board discussion involved the security and reporting of investments.
Governance Committee:
A new housing policy was approved and sent to the Board with a recommendation for full approval. The policy applies only to market rate housing and the requirement for the number of designated units is increased to 20%. The units will be a representative sample of the project. Affordable housing is defined as 60-80% of the income of the metropolitan statistical area. A motion to approve the new policy passed.
Grant Requests:
The Talent Strategy group of the Chamber of Commerce connects employers with local universities and colleges through the CampusRoc program. An increase of $134,900 to the former grant of $100,00 was requested to support the program. A motion to enter a contract with CampusRoc passed.
The Young CEO Program, for students 15-18 years of age, focuses on business-related education culminating in the creation of a business plan. A grant of $100,000 was requested and approved.
Eastman Kodak applied for a state grant to improve the rail infrastructure at Kodak Business Park. The rail assistance program is administered by the State. A request was made for Comida to accept the grant on Kodak’s behalf and administer the program. A motion to accept the request passed.
Other business:
Representatives from Visit Rochester reported on the work supported by COMIDA over the last 2 years. The 2023 PGA Championship and the Eclipse events were highlighted and the benefits to the local economy were noted.
The meeting was adjourned.