July 2024 PAB Meeting

July 18th, 2024 PAB Meeting Summary  
 Observed by Deborah Rice Gordon
A recording of this meeting can be viewed at:  https://www.facebook.com/100064654635731/videos/1658696548221798   The youtube recording is incomplete.

An election for chair and vice-chair was held.  Larry Knox was nominated and approved as chair.  Rabbi Setel was nominated and approved as vice-chair.
The June meeting minutes were approved with corrections.

The staff report was given by the new Executive Director Dr. Lesli Myers-Small: Dr. Myers-Small suggested that the PAB have a strategic plan.She is finalizing the scope of work document with the aim of hiring a consultant to help create the plan. Larry Knox gave the Chairperson’s report: Committee Reports: Old Business: A motion was made to enter an executive session to discuss a personnel matter and potential legal action that could be taken in the future.  No votes were taken during the session.  The meeting was adjourned.