What if We Used Final Five Voting in New York?

In recent years several states have been experimenting with some innovations in voting systems combining use of nonpartisan primaries with ranked choice voting in the general election. Both California and Washington have been doing it for a while and Alaska first tried it in 2022. In 2023 LWVNYS commissioned a committee to study whether we should support it's use in New York. To support the work of the state study committee, the Rochester League commissioned a study of what the effect would be in New York. 

In brief, it would have a big effect, eliminating a lot of primaries. That would mean that most important electoral contests would occur in November, which would probably mean more voters would participate. It would also enfranchise both the large number of unaffiliated voters and voters whose party isn't holding a primary when it's time to winnow down the field. You can read the report here.


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Book Club: Gallop Toward the Sun: Tecumseh and William Henry Harrison's Struggle for the Destiny of a Nation by Peter Stark

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Book Club: The Art of Power by Nancy Pelosi

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Book Club: Distorting Democracy: The Forgotten History of the Electoral Collegeand Why It Matters Today by Carolyn Renée Dupont

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The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League is NOT limited to women — men can join in Making Democracy Work as well. View our Non-Partisan policy here.